1328 California Rd, Suite A, Quakertown, PA 18951 | 215-536-4066

Public Works - FAQs

Who is responsible for removing road-killed deer?
For Township Roads call the PA Game Commission at 610-926-3136.
For PennDOT Roads call 1-800-FIX-ROAD.

Does the Township pick up leaves in the fall?
Yes! Please refer to our website for the Fall Leaf Collection Schedule.

Who fixes mailboxes and/or posts if hit by a plow?
If the Township plow or truck physically damages a mailbox and/or post, the Township is responsible for repairs or replacement. The Township is NOT responsible for mailboxes and/or posts damages by snow, sludge or ice coming off the plow or truck.

What are the Public Works Department days and hours?
Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

Who repairs damaged or missing street signs, streetlights, and traffic lights?
Traffic lights and Street signs call Public Works at 215-536-4066.
Streetlights call the Police Department at 215-536-9500.

Who is responsible for sidewalk and curb repairs?
Richland Township Property owners are responsible for all maintenance of sidewalks and curbing on their property.

Richland Township
© Richland Township